Swap point SWAP POINT

*Swap points change daily depending on the market. This number is for reference only.

FX (Major currency pair)

Trading Pairs Swap Long Swap Short
EURUSD -1 1.78
USDJPY 16.82 -3.3
GBPUSD -2.97 -1.57
AUDUSD -3.3 0.59
USDCAD -1.06 -3.86
NZDUSD -1.39 -1.12
USDCHF 7.78 -14.03

FX (Minor currency pair)

Trading Pairs Swap Long Swap Short
EURJPY 13.16 -23.26
EURGBP -6.06 1.35
EURNZD -10.16 2.26
EURAUD -7.24 -3.27
EURCAD -6.97 1.67
EURCHF 4.93 -8.66
GBPJPY 21.46 -35.23
GBPNZD -7.85 -4.39
GBPAUD -1.28 -10.38
GBPCAD -2.54 -4.16
GBPCHF 9.15 -17.74
AUDJPY 8.74 -16.29
AUDNZD -7.62 -0.73
AUDCAD -3.74 -0.23
AUDCHF 2.35 -8.81
NZDJPY 11.05 -18.31
NZDCAD -1.96 -5.47
NZDCHF 3.78 -10.07
CADJPY 11.04 -19
CADCHF 3.53 -10.21
CHFJPY 1.19 -11.38
USDCNH 7.84 -45.44
USDHKD 7.3 -47.57

FX (Exotic currency pair)

Trading Pairs Swap Long Swap Short
USDMXN -392.69 168.08
USDNOK -0.48 -4.83
USDSEK 15.69 -76.84
USDZAR -19.49 10.62
USDPLN -9.88 -15.73
USDSGD -0.01 -12.68
EURPLN -2.66 0.19
EURNOK -5.04 -0.63
EURSEK -2.6 -2.99
SGDJPY 0.07 -0.17

Synthetic Indices

Trading Pairs Swap Long Swap Short
DJI30 -814.4 -359
SPX500 -110.7 -48.79
NAS100 -536.96 -168.07
DAX30 -459.89 -75.86
FTS100 -171.18 -74.03
FRA40 -366.94 -31.46
CN50 -2.16 -0.65
EU50 -84.54 -26.45
JPX225 -2.74 -1.56
AUS200 -465.3 -138.87
HK50 -3.2 -0.99

Synthetic Metals

Trading Pairs Swap Long Swap Short
XAUUSD -13.49 18.88
XAGUSD -5.48 3.63
XPTUSD -18.59 12.31


Trading Pairs Swap Long Swap Short
WTIUSD -0.66 -2.74
NGCUSD -50.6 -61.6
BRNUSD -0.33 -4.79

* Swap points are automatically calculated every day at 00:00 server time, and are deposited or withdrawn from your trading account.

* The above swap points are past average values.
For the swap points that actually occur, see the MT5 swap item.